SOZA Weight-Loss

weight loss

We are proud to currently be the first provider in Tennessee of the SOZA weight-loss program!

SOZA is an all-natural holistic 60-day weight-loss program. The program is designed for you to shed excess fat, while maintaining muscle mass in a rapid time period. Our patients typically experience losing anywhere between 8-15 pounds of fat in their first 10 days of the program.

What we love so much about SOZA is that it fits in with our chiropractic philosophy that health comes from the inside out. The program is based upon eating REAL food, taking natural vitamins and supplements, getting results FAST, and maintaining your new weight.

The program focuses on coaching a healthy lifestyle. When you join our program, you have unlimited coaching from both of our Doctors throughout the course of your weight loss journey.

We would love to see you in the office for a complimentary consult to learn more about SOZA and start your new, healthy lifestyle!

Zerona Z6 Laser

Zerona is six quick and painless treatments. You simply lie under Zerona for 20 minutes on your front and 20 minutes on your back. Unlike minimally invasive or traditional liposuction, Zerona allows you to continue your daily activities without any interruption.

Its impactful results happen through a gentle process of shrinking the fat cells and safely disposing of the fatty liquids through the body’s natural lymphatic system. While many other fat reduction technologies may harm the body’s fat cells, Zerona®Z6 technology protects the body’s fat cells by not killing or damaging them in the treatment process. As a result, the fat cells will be restored to a lean fat cell in a much healthier state.


Zerona Non-Invasive Fat Loss Laser

Lose inches, Gain Confidence

Zerona is an innovative cold laser treatment with capabilities including weight loss and body slimming for men and women. Contact or call today!

Learn More Abour Zerona Weight Loss